Suede-O | Plantar DR Night Sock

Suede-O | Plantar DR
Suede-O | Plantar DR
Suede-O | Plantar DR

Suede-O | Plantar DR Night Sock

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Product Description

  • Description


Thermal support to reduce heel pain associated with plantar fasciitis. Short, soft and padded foot boot, stretches the plantar aspect of the foot.

  • Rigid strap pulls the toes upward and the foot into a slight dorsiflexion position.
  • The combination of the thermal properties to reduce inflammation and the stretching of the plantar fascia while sleeping may aid in the recovery of plantar fasciitis.
  • Micro ventilated, breathable membrane material provides a free flow of air, allowing the skin to remain well ventilated and comfortable.
  • The soft thermal lining captures and retains your natural body heat for effective pain relief and therapy.
  • With unsurpassed quality, this thermal support provides comfortable compression and warmth to help reduce swelling and associated pain, to promote recovery.